Backyard update

Sunflower has opened. For as many of these as I’ve planted.  Some in my tomato pots to shade them during these hot days, some in their own pots, some in my flower gardens (soon to be foodscapes) all spring and summer, they are finally starting to show their flowers.  And that puts a smile on my face.  And now, it will only get bigger!

Squash Flowers

Running out in the morning to check on my baby squash… wanted to be sure the flower was pollinated, but seems it didn’t open, or I missed it (likely).  This is the photo of the first morning, and the second morning it looked like it already opened… all I can do is hope that it was pollinated so I can at least have a second squash this season.

That said, I planted 4 seeds a week ago in my flower garden in the front of my home.  These plants are really pretty and the flowers are beautiful.  Since I’ve been trying to read more on foodscaping, this seemed like a good place to start, although likely too late in the season.  I’m hoping for a warm winter, so it can maybe go a little longer.  Right now, I only have one that came up, and that tasty little sprout has me trying to keep the bugs off it right now.  Baby steps.

New bed coverings

Today the pumpkin vines have a new bed covering!

We weeded the patch, fertilized it, added wood ash to irritate possible vine borers, watered a bunch, once dried sprayed with TBT and then added some matter for keeping out the dogs, and then added the pine straw.  They are happy now, just need a little more rain (no thunder, lightening or rain… always be careful what you wish for…)