My son has mostly convinced me to skip the pumpkins this season. I did start some ornamental gourds on a trellis, so that may be as close as I get. The pumpkin patch is waiting to be tilled, and thinking it may be filled with flowers this year… and the bees really need it. Also with the problems with the Squash Vine Borers(SVB), it may be better to let them run their life cycle and give the pumpkins a better chance next year.
I’ve seen the SVB moths around the garden, so not very happy about that… and I have several summer squash, so the season my be shortened. I’ll keep you posted on that.
That said, the gourds are looking good, lots of new ones coming up and I feel good about the bees doing the pollination this year, so I’m going to stand back and let them do their thing.
Ornamental Gourds