Garden update

April Garden The Potting Table | All Rights Reserved | Florida Gardener

I wanted to share a little photo gallery of my garden and give you a quick garden update.

The tomatoes are doing well, got really large before having flowers, probably my fault because thier fertilizer was 10-10-10. Last week I added some Miracle Grow Tomato and flower specific fertilizer and they are so big, they can handle any extra fruit.

Squash is looking nice, there are 3 squash on multiple plants and look good. Almost ready to pick.

I’m growing a trellis of ornamental squash, along with birdhouse gourd and loofah. The last two listed just started coming up over the weekend, so glad they decided to make an appearance in this year’s garden!

Sunflowers popped up over the weekend as well. A smaller variety and I’ll be sure to plant more every 4-6 weeks to get them all summer.

Hope you enjoyed this garden update.

Zone 8 hardiness